Saturday, November 20, 2010

Taking shit for granted....

Sup bitches.

I am finding more and more I am getting very intolerant of people who whine and whine and whinge about how fucked life is, how everything sucks, everybody's fucked.... when they really have a lot to be grateful for. They just like living in the sadness which resembles their lives. I admit, about 8 years ago, I couldn't get out of my own way, but when the shit really did hit the fan, I learnt some very valuable lessons, and I live in there here and now grateful for all I have.

You know the type, you have a sore toe, they are about to get their foot cut off, you have a headache, they have a tumor..... nothing is ever right, but they choose to follow their weepy and whiney life down the spiral and all around them are supposed to pay hommage to how their life sucks to the utmost.

You know what sucks? The fact that people who really have it hard, don't generally go on that way. I don't have it hard, I have a pretty fab existence, life is good, but there are some people around me that have fallen on some tough times, and they don't cry about it, they get up, and they get on with it. And these other self indulgent fuckers just whinge! W-H-I-N-G-E! But.... you know.... that might be a little short sighted ;)

I have my regrets, but I reckon they serve their purpose in me appreciating where I am at now.... how good everything is, and the little things that crap on a week, a day, or an hour, in the greater scheme of things, don't matter, There are always people who have it worse, and are suffering, and are feeling more pain than you are.... it doesn't always make any difference to those moments of complete frustration, but it is something to be mindful of. I have good people in my life facing all kinds of painful areas..... their health, their stress, their kids! Man.... I have to be so very grateful that my kids are okay.... so many hard things people suffer when it comes to their kids.

So, fucktards who live and breathe their little, small, insignificant issues in my face all the time, piss off! I used to live like that, the lying and cheating and bullshit associated with it, just isn't worth it.... it is a sad place to dwell, not healthy, and well..... it's a great weight lifted to no reside there.... life can be okay if you get off the round-a-about where you are travelling, but getting no where.

I have some people in mind when I say this (duh) but I reckon knowing my luck with bitching about them, someone they know will read this. *grin* Suffice it to say, I am related to them. HA HA! Like You Noted Just On How Nice this day is..... ha ha ha ha ha ha. If Homer Simpson can get a message from his Mum this way, I can make a point. *grin*

Again, making no sense, I bid you good evening. May you have a fucking awesome evening and following week ;) ( bitches). hrr hrr.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Go To Hell.....

Not entirely sure wtf I am doing blogging, but I used to do it, and it used to be okay.... the best way to sound like a whiney biatch... and to not have to vent to people I know, or in person..... self counsel? hrr hrr. Fark no.

I am loving more and more the irony of people being "open minded" but when you speak about any general topic, they shut you down with a "I don't believe in that!". I don't give a flying fuck if you believe in it or not, that is what makes the conversation good! Both sides of the fricken coin! Oh well, I believe in some stuff, and not in others, but the main things are equality, especially with race and sexuality, that is close to my heart.

At the moment I am a stay at home Mum, 2 gorgeous boys, a tall gorgeous husband who works, and well... I came from a fairly fucked period between school ending and now. I scrambled my brain for about 5 or so years on stuff I can't believe I put into my body, I let my past pain live in my brain and constantly replay, but now, I took a long and windy road, to get to a place where I finally feel genuine. I even have the stamp on my bum for authenticity :P *STAMP!*

I wrote music all the way through the substance haze, before the substance haze, and now, as much as trying to write between 2 little boys will allow, so not as much as I would like, but the time will come for that. I look back at the music I wrote in my first marraige and I think the tell tale signs should have been evident, but I was too fucked in the head to notice them.... mostly ;)

The things that mean most to me, after my 3 boys, are my friends and family. I like to make people smile, and I don't need to hear a thank you, the end product is thanks enough. Fuck me, I sound like a self help CD, but it isn't like that. I think I feel that way as when I was a drop kick, I brought a lot of pain to people, and if I counter that with making people feel good now, there is some kind of karma balance, by being a better person than I was, it cancels out the fucktardness of the yester-year. Man... reading this back I sound like a fuckchop, but I am just musing, so it doesn't matter ;)

I will perhaps come back here.... and write again.... I should have probably not used an email where people know me, and then not felt so guarded.... but then again, who the fuck reads each others blogs, I try and get to Gem Gem's, Kazzwahs, B-wahs and Oceans Never Listen.... but I am currently only getting to Gem's.... I need to feel close to her at the moment, and try and hug her from afar....

Til next time bitcheZ!